onsdag 25 januari 2012

The light at the end of the tunnel

Feeling a little more like myself today. Still tired, but not the same feeling of total weakness in the body and spaghetti legs. So maybe I am slowly coming back to normal. Yay! I'm getting there, and am delighted that the days are notably longer now, still not long enough by far, but one can see the light is coming back.

However I will probably be back to very tired again after the long day on Friday. Will have to wake up at 4 am! And leave home at 4:30 to take a train south for work. Will be home again about 9 pm! However I am actually looking forward to it. Well - not waking up at 4 and the train, but to the workshop. It's exciting and I think I will also learn a lot from it.

Love my job! :) And I have the weekend to rest!

On another note, it seems I will be volunteering at a cat shelter soonish. I can't wait! I don't have an enormous experience with cats in this way. My only cat experience is cat-sitting my neighbour's cat as teenager. Loved him! The cat, that is. Not my neighbour. But I adore cats and I hope my love for the adorable creatures will make up for my lack of experience and that the shelter thinks it's ok that I'll learn on the way! :)

3 kommentarer:

  1. Låter spännande att vara volontär på ett katthem!

  2. Jag hörde på Karlavagnen igår, temat var "vad tänder du på" och en husse ringde in om sin kära katt Korv-Nasse. Ja, nu kanske det inte var en attraktion av det slaget man vid första anblicken tänkte att ämnet syftade på, men ett ganska lyssningsvärt samtal.

  3. Sara - ja hoppas jag kommer få prova på i alla fall! Älskar katter och vill gärna ha katter i mitt liv även om jag inte kan ha katt själv. Som volontär på katthemmet får jag ju hjälpa katter som fått en dålig start eller grym behandling till ett bättre liv som lyckliga katter hos kärleksfulla familjer. :) Tror katterna kommer ge mig så mycket tillbaka. Det gör ju djur. :)

    Anders - "Tända på" katter låter ju inte särskilt sunt så man får väl hoppas att husse inte gjorde det - men Korv-Nasse är säkert husses bästa vän och livskamrat! :)
